Senior Influencer

—  How to become an Elite Model

Become a
Senior Influencer!


We are an award-winning, nationally published  photography team
located in Hendersonville, Tennessee. When the opportunity arises we are always willing to travel. Currently, we are searching for participants to join our Senior Influencer Team.

What is the InfluencerTeam?
Our influencers are those who want to begin or continue building their OWN BRAND. You will be an ambassador of our studio and you will influence other Seniors on style, creativity and and build your portrait portfolio of your Senior Year!! You will have the chance to join us on multiple FREE sessions where you’ll get to showcase your style and join others in group photoshoots. You’ll learn how to pose and work in front of a camera. We will collaborate with those in the beauty industry for hair, makeup and styling tips, there will be a chance to win a $500 CASH prize, you’ll receive pretty cool gifts and you’ll have the opportunity to join us on a Destination Session… we may even make a few TikTok’s along the way.

NO modeling experience is necessary! Let us help you tell your story!

To join simply fill out the questionnaire below. If selected you must book your Senior Portrait Session with Chapman's Photography and you’ll learn more about that soon! Want your Best Friend(s) to join you on the team? Be sure to tell them to apply so you can join together.

Thank you so much, 
Erica and Barbara at Chapmans Photography 

*Images created may be used as promotional material for our studio.



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